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Attn: Colo/Ded. Customers - CPanel Apache & Mysql Relat

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 2:32 am
by porcupine
Ok guys,

Anyone having problems with CPanel's phpmyadmin functionality, read the following which has been forwarded to us by DarkORB (CPanel's Developers):
With the recent mysql 4.x upgrade some users didn't get their mysql
privilege tables automaticlly repaired. You can use mysql's
mysql_fix_privilege_tables to fix this problem, or you can choose to use the script we have developed to ensure mysql_fix_privilege_tables runs properly. If you would like to run this script, login via a root shell, and run the following commands:


This will run mysql_fix_privilege_tables for you with the proper
arguments. You will also need to clear your browsers cache before you
can see the changes in phpMyAdmin.

J. Nick Koston <>
cPanel, Inc.
Also, for anyone who has autoupdate enabled in their WHM to automatically receive and install updates from DarkORB may notice that their apache may find itself unable to restart/start, simply update to the latest version of CPanel/WHM by running /scripts/upcp, or comment out the following lines of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf and restart:

LoadModule auth_mysql_module libexec/
AddModule mod_auth_mysql.c

Enjoy :),