Essentially I will be running the following services on the machine.
- Email services for all domains hosted
- Probably some type of Appliance interface. (Ensim etc)
- Apache with Perl, PHP with GD.
- Database Server MySQL (Forums, Ad Network, CMS content)
Capacity Requirements: There will be up to 200-300 websites running on on the server, with the Ad server running through most of the hosted sites (70% of the websites).
- 20% of the websites will have paid content, which means high bandwidth access to video/picture portfolios of athletes.
2U Server initial Setup - Red Hat Linux
*** 10 sites at start ( growing to 100-200 hosted sites in 6mos-1 yr.)
2U Server Chassis
2 x 36GB 10,000 RPM SCSI Drives Raid 1
Athlon 2500+ XP on Abit A7N-M Board
1 GB RAM PC 2700
Add S-ATA RAID disk capacity for web storage as required at a later time as server grows.
----- So what are your recommendations? I'm sure Myles has some good advice

I'm sure this server should be more than adequate for my needs. I will be transitioning my larger websites onto this type of server initially with the advertising server (AdsNEW), and growing forums (PHPBB2) running on the machine. This is really the reason why I wanted to build SCSI disks into the server for good I/O capacity with mirrored redundancy.