2U server quote

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2U server quote

Post by iancc »

Hi folks

looking for someone to suggest or critique the below 2U specification,
Is there anything missing for Co-Location here with PriorityCoLo?

I plan to only host 12 websites - 2 of those websites contain ASP web applications that in time will put more demands on the server.

I sent an e-mail to the Jaba systems company that was suggested earlier and knowone has responded yet with a quote

2U server specifications

any info appreciated, thanks

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Post by porcupine »

Hi there Ian,

A few things.

1. We stopped recommending Jaba systems actively almost 1/2 year ago. We got a few servers which were not of a build quality we would consider acceptable from a vendor/manufacturer (if a customer put them together themselves, that would be fine, but for brand new servers which someone paid a premium to have custom built, I didn't like them at all). We do not officially have anyone else we've been recommending, as the only other TO based vendor we've seen servers from are cheaper, but the build quality is very poor/sloppy (JHP I believe, not positive).

2. As for the quote there, whichever vendor that is needs to rethink the quote. The CPU's are "xeon" not "zeon", which does not inspire too much confidence. I would also avoid the hot-swap power supply (and you probably do not need more then 400-450W for that configuration). Hot swap supplies will cost more to power (as any of our list packages only include one APC port). Also, last but not least, you might wish to consider another brand on the HDD's. This is just my personal preference, but I am not a fan of Fijitsu, or IBM drives due to experiences in the past regarding failure rates. Personally I prefer Seagate drives for SCSI, and they're often about the same rate as the IBM's if not less.
Myles Loosley-Millman
Priority Colo Inc.
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