Mod Rewrite And Word Press

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Re: Mod Rewrite And Word Press

Post by porcupine »

DaWerM wrote:Hi Myles,

I've installed Word Press on one of my sites, but I need to use mod re-write, and can't find it in the docuuments.

How do I go about installing the modules and getting mod rewrite to work on the www5 servers?

Thanks a bunch!

Hello DaWerM,

You cannot install modules on the reseller servers (thats something you can only do with a VPS, or Dedicated server, as Resellers simply dont have the privaledges required). On that note however, mod_rewrite is already installed on the www5 server (you can go to to check installed modules, etc.). Exactly how you use it, well thats something for the man[ual] pages, as I'm not directly familiar with mod_rewrite.
Myles Loosley-Millman
Priority Colo Inc.
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Re: How To Enable Mod_Rewrite

Post by porcupine »

DaWerM wrote:Hi Myles,

Thanks for the help earlier.

I'm still not able to get it configured correctly.

I've seen a lot of documentation that indicates I need to do something to a file named httpd.conf, but I don't konw where to find it, or if I need to create it on my own. If you have any ideas on this as well it would help me out.

I understand you don't know how to work with mod_rewrite, but is there anything special I have to do to my account ot enable it?

or anything special I need to do to my .htaccess?

I have a feeling that is simply not enabled for my accounts, and I suspect that's why I can't get the rules to work.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, It would sure help.

I'll keep looking and testing in the meantime.

Thanks again!
Hello DaWerM,

httpd.conf is a system wide file that you are unable to modify in any manner under a reseller center. mod_rewrite is a system wide module, hence it doesen't need to be manually enabled on your account, though I know various mod_rewrite syntaxes go in your .htaccess file.

I'd suggest consulting someone who is more familiar with the scripts you're attempting to install, as thats what it boils down to. The system has the requirements, you shouldn't have any access related issues, so its likely just fine tuning of the scripts.
Myles Loosley-Millman
Priority Colo Inc.
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