What if?

pretty much anything you want

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What if?

Post by atoning »

Its late and I am tired and I am so sick of web sites! I am sick of DNS I am sick of clients who pay me $24.95au per month and the think they own me and my first born male child!!

What if.....once apon a time a long time ago in galaxy far far away I was a milkman. I would run the streets of Perth delivering milk in glass bottles! Bringing joy and smiles to families everywhere!

But noooooo he had to go back to school to study computer science cause he thought he was smart and wanted to get a better job with more money and better conditions. So now the new milkman down the road has a bigger house, drives a bigger car, goes to cooler places than I do for holidays, works less hours! Bring on the milk!!!!

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Re: What if?

Post by porcupine »

atoning wrote:Its late and I am tired and I am so sick of web sites! I am sick of DNS I am sick of clients who pay me $24.95au per month and the think they own me and my first born male child!!

What if.....once apon a time a long time ago in galaxy far far away I was a milkman. I would run the streets of Perth delivering milk in glass bottles! Bringing joy and smiles to families everywhere!

But noooooo he had to go back to school to study computer science cause he thought he was smart and wanted to get a better job with more money and better conditions. So now the new milkman down the road has a bigger house, drives a bigger car, goes to cooler places than I do for holidays, works less hours! Bring on the milk!!!!

Dont milkmen get "special" privaledges too? Thats what I've always heard :D
Myles Loosley-Millman
Priority Colo Inc.
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Post by atoning »

I wish :-)
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What if?

Post by jcypher »

Hello, this is my first post - I know it's an old thread but thought it was interesting cuz I can related.

It seems I have just recently begun following in your footsteps in that I too have discovered that my clients and all distant relatives there-of have a tendancy to claim ownership and authority over me... but, so far no-one has claimed my first-born! (whew!)

Hope things are going better for you now? (are you still around?)

For me relief is just around the corner... 2-3 months... but then it seems 2 months is not 2 months any more than 3 months is 3 months... cuz if 2 months really can be 3 months, what's to stop 3 months from becoming 4?

Later :wink: .
Leo Thiessen
Visions Encoded (.com)
Bus.: www.visionsencoded.com
Pers.: www.signstotheseeker.com
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