Helpdesk upgrade - password reset required

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Helpdesk upgrade - password reset required

Post by porcupine »

Hi Folks,

We're pleased to announce that we have upgraded our customer support helpdesk, and have wound down the old system.

While our old helpdesk software had been instrumental in providing support for many thousands of tickets over the past decade, the software in question has been abandoned by its developers, prompting this change.

We have migrated all helpdesk user accounts active in the past 5 years to the new system, along with the related user settings, ticket histories, etc. The helpdesk URL remains the same as always ( ), but has a newer look/style as one would expect.

The old/new helpdesk software uses different password hashing methods, which means customers need to reset their passwords in order to continue utilizing the helpdesk. Because of the manner in which passwords are handled (not actually stored, but instead validated using one way hashes), it's not possible to retrieve user passwords, or migrate the passwords automatically.

Passwords for existing accounts can be reset using the "forgot my password" link directly from the helpdesk ( ). Customers who don't have a helpdesk account setup, but would like to setup a new helpdesk account, are encouraged to register an account using the "Register Now" link on the helpdesk ( ).

As always, the helpdesk still supports open registration, and direct E-mail submission from both registered, and otherwise unregistered users. The core functionality of the system remains unchanged, and we hope the new helpdesk will continue to be functional & beneficial for all parties involved.
Myles Loosley-Millman
Priority Colo Inc.
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