Scheduled tor1 network maintenance - 14-Sep-2022 - 11:00pm

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Scheduled tor1 network maintenance - 14-Sep-2022 - 11:00pm

Post by porcupine »

Hi Folks,

Please be advised of the following maintenance window:

Maintenance Window: Wednesday September 14th, 2022 - 11:00pm - 2:00am Eastern time
Facility: Tor1, Tor2
Affected Device(s): dwdm2.tor1
Affected Customers: Tor1 general network, West path wave services
Service Impacting: Yes - The work in question will have the potential to cause several small outages/connectivity drops.

Details: We will be physically relocating the DWDM unit which provides wavelength services for the west fiber path connecting our Tor1/Tor2 facilities.

While connectivity between the facilities operates over a redundant pair of DWDM units (covering the East and West fiber paths), customers may notice a very brief hiccup when one fiber path is dropped.

We expect the physical migration to take ~10-15 minutes, during which time the connectivity between the facilities will not be redundant, and will be operating off only the East path. Customers directly connected to the dwdm2.tor1 device will see their wavelength services go down for ~10-15 minutes during this window, while we do not anticipate any appreciable impact to other customers, due to the redundancies in place.

As always, we will be carefully performing the maintenance work in question, and will use every reasonable measure to attempt to mitigate any unnecessary outages/incidents/etc.
Myles Loosley-Millman
Priority Colo Inc.
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