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no emails from ebay being received

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 4:23 am
by revlis
anyone else notice they are no longer receiving emails from effective tuesday at some point during the day?

i noticed a post on ebay's forums that they are aware of it but they didnt know much at the time.

i am curious to know from the staff if they are seeing any messages in the maillog, of being rejected?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 1:18 am
by krmurray
Hello Revlis.

I'm not getting email from eBay either. I've noticed that you
can't resolve their mail servers (eg. from
some DNS servers (but not all DNS servers).

On my Postfix installation it will refuse mail from hosts it can't
look up, so it's currently rejecting all mail from eBay.
