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20-May-05 - 8:00pm - 2:00am EST Network Maintenance

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 4:33 am
by porcupine
Hi guys,

Well with the acquisition of new hardware, comes new maintenance periods. We recently acquired another new pair of routers (Cisco 6006, and 7206VXR). We'll be doing some basic maintenance later in the evening on 20-May-2005 (Friday), between 8:00pm and 2:00am EST. This maintenance should not be service impacting, work on the live segments of the network will be done in a single window that should not exceed 30 minutes, where traffic may (or may not) be re-routed to our alternate transit routes.

During this time, we will be concentrating on moving some connectivity from our Core1 router off to the new 7200 VXR router. While this activity should not be service interrupting for any customers, this maintenance window has been opened as a precautionary notice.
