Any Access Guru's in the house?

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Any Access Guru's in the house?

Post by porcupine »


Well i know my fair bit about MS Access 2k, heck, i know more then most, but I dont know it all, and have no shame admitting this. Currently some of our functions are being slowed down by the DB's inabiilty to send email direct as a result of an access bug (REF: ... -us;260819 ) If anyone can provide a *REALISTIC* way around this, that does not rely on outside dependancies, i am more then willing to provide a service credit equivalent to the headache it will save me, which is fairly signifigant. In short, if you think you can find the solution, upgrading does not help, updating to SP2 creates a new problem (email security settings that slow each message 5 seconds and require user input for each occurance), direct SMTP connection VBA code hasn't worked thus far, etc.

Lastly, im using outlook express 6, and have no interest in using outlook 2000, or ms exchange, so dont even suggest a fix that requires either of those :D. If you're a current customer, or want free service, this is the way to get it either way, if anyone can come up to a realistic solution, the service credit is theirs! :D Better luck then i've had to everyone :).
Myles Loosley-Millman
Priority Colo Inc.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Jul 10, 2002 12:58 pm


Post by isinglass »

Will this work?

Code: Select all

' 1. change the SMTP server to one you can send through in sub SendMailCDO2
' 2. set the email from and to in command0_click

Private Sub Command0_Click()

Call SendMailCDO2("", "test subject 1", "message here", "")
Call SendMailCDO2("", "test subject 2", "message here", "")
Call SendMailCDO2("", "test subject 3", "message here", "")
Call SendMailCDO2("", "test subject 4", "message here", "")
Call SendMailCDO2("", "test subject 5", "message here", "")

End Sub

Sub SendMailCDO2(aTo, Subject, TextBody, aFrom)
    'cached configuration
  Static Conf  'As New CDO.Configuration
  If IsEmpty(Conf) Then
    Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2
    Set Conf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
    With Conf.Fields
      .Item("") = cdoSendUsingPort
      ' * * * * * * set this to your SMTP server * * * * * *
      .Item("") = ""
    End With
  End If
  Dim Message 'As New CDO.Message
  'Create CDO message object
  Set Message = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
  With Message
    'Set cached configuration
    Set .Configuration = Conf
    'Set email adress, subject And body
    .To = aTo
    .Subject = Subject
    .TextBody = TextBody
    'Set sender address If specified.
    If Len(aFrom) > 0 Then .From = aFrom
    'Send the message
  End With
End Sub
Or maybe one of the other examples here will do it?
http://asp-send-mail-email-e-mail-messa ... om-asp.htm
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Location: Toronto, Ontario

Post by porcupine »

I've yet to see this example, (haven't checked the link yet, thats one long domain name thought :D), i'll look into it tonight, since i've yet to try this solution, we may or may not have a winner here! :D
Myles Loosley-Millman
Priority Colo Inc.
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Posts: 710
Joined: Wed Jun 12, 2002 5:57 pm
Location: Toronto, Ontario

Post by porcupine »

Just as a FYI, haven't managed to get this solution working, no dice yet, tinkered with it a bit but haven't got any luck.... Probably going to take a few more serious stabs at it before dismissing it as dysfunctional.
Myles Loosley-Millman
Priority Colo Inc.
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