www2 - www6 maintenance - Thursday Dec 23nd - 12am - 5am

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www2 - www6 maintenance - Thursday Dec 23nd - 12am - 5am

Post by porcupine »

Hi guys,

We'll be doing some security related upgrades to the www2 through www6 reseller servers on 23-Dec-2004, between 12:00am and 5:00am. Any servers running the 2.4.27 and 2.4.28 series kernels will be upgraded to the 2.6.9 kernel.

We have just recently implated the apache mod_security module, and will be doing some preliminary testing of this module.

Also, we will be upgrading php to 4.3.10, and Zend Optimizer to the most recent version, pending no issues arise.

The expected impact of this maintenance is between 5 to 15 minutes of scheduled downtime for the www2 through www5 servers, and between 5 to 20 minutes of scheduled downtime for the www6 server.

On a side note, we're changed the manner in which backups are done. Backups are now keeping the current cycle (daily, or weekly, depending on the server) on the local drive, while not retaining any other cycles (eg. weekly/monthly on a server that does daily backups) locally.

All backups are being updated on a daily/weekly (depending on server) basis to our remote backup server, which is retaining the additional cycles. This should help reduce the IO and CPU loads across all reseller servers, as this removes several dozen GB of backups from the queue that must be processed each time backups are run. This should help improve the stability of servers, the longetivity of hardware (less disk activity for the reseller servers), and data security (now with the backups going off server as often as daily, opposed to monthly).

Our intent is to eventually have all servers running daily backups on server, with the remote server retaining daily, weekly, and monthly backups.

Thanks everyone for your patience and understanding :).

Myles Loosley-Millman
Priority Colo Inc.
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Location: Toronto, Ontario

Post by porcupine »

All updates have been completed in full, except for the www6 server. The www6 server has been unable to fully implament the announced changes due to compatability issues with CPanel, and the Fedora Core 2_64 bit operating system.

We will be following up with DarkORB (the creators of CPanel) to help track down the problems recompiling php.
Myles Loosley-Millman
Priority Colo Inc.
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